Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Rainy Day in the City

A Rainy Day in the City
Frustrated from the confirmation of "a chance of rain," I finally ripped off the price tag to my poncho and struggled to fit it over me and my backpack. There were fifteen of us on a hike through downtown. Half way it started pouring. We took refuge under the shoulder of the new library. As we adjusted to get dry, we could hear our voices and the rain echo off the walls. Everyone was in a great mood, the noises made us laugh and act silly.
From our little cave we had an awesome view of the city. Some of us thought it would be fun to take a picture in the rain, and it was, if you don't mind smiling while being shot in the face with a thousand water pellets. The storm was so thick that some of the high risers disappeared in the clouds. We decided to wait out the storm. I was parched so I pulled out my bottle of water, which tasted cool and refreshing until the smell of fish hit my nose. There was a homeless man sitting about three feet away from me eating tuna out of a can. The smell was bitter, however, the longer I sat there, the sweeter my thoughts grew. My dad always asks me, "What's the difference between you and a homeless person?"  Then he would answer, "You're homeless every time you leave your house." With a grin across my face I finally understood what he meant. Regardless of what we think we have or what status we carry, we all eat and seek shelter where we can find it.

".....a meal is as good as a feast....."

My Tool Box - Techniques I Use When I Write

1. Find an interest
2. Logic
3. Generate a picture
4. Find selling points
5. List supporting facts
6. Formation/Grammar
7. Does my conclusion tie into the point?


Learning Styles/Study Strategies Narrative

In what ways do you learn best?

I learn best visually. I use four strategies. Colored pens are my favorite method.  Binders keep things physically organized.  Weekly agendas for homework are very effective. As well as researching the topic/assignment to make sure I understand the instructions.   

Summarize and explain the study strategies you employed based on identification of your learning style(s).

Being that I am a visual learner, organizing my notes in different colors can help me to remember the information better. For instance, I can write the subject in black, my teacher’s notes in blue, and my thoughts in purple. Therefore, when I study I can go over all the blue notes to make sure I stay on task with the teacher. Binders keep my class work separate. The binders I use are 1 ½in. width, not too big, with clear sleeves in the front and the back. I place my syllabus in the front to remind me of the upcoming assignments with my grades written next to them.  I have tried many different agendas and I have never been able to keep up with any. However, using a single sheet of notebook paper, I write down the seven days of my present week and list exactly what I need to get done on each day. Then at the end of the week after everything has been crossed off, I have the satisfaction of throwing it away and starting again. Last is my research. I have always had a hard time staying on point with my assignments. I then realized that I was not comprehending the instructions. Like this assignment, “ write a narrative”, my first move would be to understand what exactly a narrative is. Then find an example and I  then would  have a better idea of what is expected.

What were the positive effects of using these study strategies? (Provide specific examples.)

Using different colors has helped me especially in math. I write my equation in black, my notes in blue, and steps I really need to remember in red. When I’m taking a test and come across a tricky question, I think back on my red notes and usually remember what to do. My binders keep me posted on how my grades are. I anticipate putting an “A” next to a completed assignment. My agenda makes my homework look as easy as a grocery list. Retrieve and cross off.

What were the negative effects of using these study strategies? (Provide specific examples.)
           Although using different colored pens can be very effective, it is time consuming switching pens every 30 seconds. Sometimes I get too busy organizing my notes that I don’t give the instructor my full attention. My binders also take up a lot of space, not only in my backpack but on the desk as well. As far as my research, it can also be time consuming especially considering how much information is available on the internet.

Would you use these study strategies again? And, how will your understanding of your Learning Style(s) inform your study strategies in your other courses?

            I will definitely use these study strategies again. I understand my learning style is visual. If I stay on course with these strategies all of my classes both now and in the future will produce at the very least passing grades. 

3 Goals

Three goals I would like to accomplish by the end of 2014 Spring semester. I would like to pay off my van. I need to pass my intermediate algebra. I would love to pass my English class with an "A".

I owe $800.00 on the van. I need to pay $500.00 at the end of February and $300.00 by the end of March.

I need to pass my algebra class to finally be done with my remedials.

If I pass my English class with an "A" it goes towards my GPA to get into nursing school.