Friday, May 2, 2014

FDR Quote

"We look forward to a world founded upon four  essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and  expression--everywhere in  the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own  way--everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want ... everywhere in  the world. The fourth is freedom from fear ... anywhere in the world."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

My Post

I do not agree with the second two of the four essential freedoms in which Roosevelt mentioned.  Freedom from want would potentially restrict progression for human evolution.  For example, the united states was not required to have a man walk on the moon.  It was ambition and want that led us to that victory.  Freedom from fear is not possible due to the fact that fear keeps the majority of society in check.  IE. Media manipulation. 

Also, I find it ironic that Roosevelt mentioned these freedoms 11 months prior to declaring war on Japan where he approved a draft for military services. 



Yes I do believe that these four are freedoms most of us desire. We have not completely have them all (the world isnt nor will it ever be perfect) but we do have a lot of freedom here in the US that we take for granted. Being able to worship (or not to worship) God is a huge freedom we have compared to other countries who dont have that choice. We have much more freedom to say and do what we want. Its something that I think having seen and been to other countries, is great about the US. 

I do agree that we have more freedoms than most countries around the world, but what Roosevelt is describing is a Utopia in which we can never truly acquire.

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