Friday, May 2, 2014

Guns on College Campuses

A group of students called Concealed Carry on Campus as well as the National Rifle Association [of America] are advocating for the right to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. However, there is an overwhelming amount of people who detest this movement, including me. Three main reasons I do not support guns on campus are anxiety, the combination of binge drinking and fire arms and the probability of too many inexperienced students with guns.

College is a place where we learn the most controversial subjects. Outside of College, I have seen all types of people lose their composer over politics, religion, and stereotype topics. If I knew everyone was or could be equipped with a gone, I would not feel comfortable talking about those issues.

On top of controversial issues is the fact that binge drinking is very high among college students. The combination can be dangerous especially at parties when the subject can be brought up again; I fear with the excessive amount of guns, students would not hesitate to threaten one another with weapons, ultimately shooting a student rather than fist fight.

Last, permit holders do not require law enforce training. That means in order for someone to be able to legally carry a gun all that is required is a few hours of class along with a few round of shooting practice. This does not give me peace of mind at all. If a teacher has to go through four years of college so they can teach us properly, then I would like the student carrying a gun at least a year or so of experience before I can trust that they know how to use it properly.

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