Friday, May 2, 2014

FDR Quote

"We look forward to a world founded upon four  essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and  expression--everywhere in  the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own  way--everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want ... everywhere in  the world. The fourth is freedom from fear ... anywhere in the world."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

My Post

I do not agree with the second two of the four essential freedoms in which Roosevelt mentioned.  Freedom from want would potentially restrict progression for human evolution.  For example, the united states was not required to have a man walk on the moon.  It was ambition and want that led us to that victory.  Freedom from fear is not possible due to the fact that fear keeps the majority of society in check.  IE. Media manipulation. 

Also, I find it ironic that Roosevelt mentioned these freedoms 11 months prior to declaring war on Japan where he approved a draft for military services. 



Yes I do believe that these four are freedoms most of us desire. We have not completely have them all (the world isnt nor will it ever be perfect) but we do have a lot of freedom here in the US that we take for granted. Being able to worship (or not to worship) God is a huge freedom we have compared to other countries who dont have that choice. We have much more freedom to say and do what we want. Its something that I think having seen and been to other countries, is great about the US. 

I do agree that we have more freedoms than most countries around the world, but what Roosevelt is describing is a Utopia in which we can never truly acquire.

Guns on College Campuses

A group of students called Concealed Carry on Campus as well as the National Rifle Association [of America] are advocating for the right to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. However, there is an overwhelming amount of people who detest this movement, including me. Three main reasons I do not support guns on campus are anxiety, the combination of binge drinking and fire arms and the probability of too many inexperienced students with guns.

College is a place where we learn the most controversial subjects. Outside of College, I have seen all types of people lose their composer over politics, religion, and stereotype topics. If I knew everyone was or could be equipped with a gone, I would not feel comfortable talking about those issues.

On top of controversial issues is the fact that binge drinking is very high among college students. The combination can be dangerous especially at parties when the subject can be brought up again; I fear with the excessive amount of guns, students would not hesitate to threaten one another with weapons, ultimately shooting a student rather than fist fight.

Last, permit holders do not require law enforce training. That means in order for someone to be able to legally carry a gun all that is required is a few hours of class along with a few round of shooting practice. This does not give me peace of mind at all. If a teacher has to go through four years of college so they can teach us properly, then I would like the student carrying a gun at least a year or so of experience before I can trust that they know how to use it properly.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

They say, I say

The Scientific Fundamentalist article, “Why Modern Feminism Is Illogical, Unnecessary, and Evil” by Satoshi Kanazawa stirred up a large controversy about Modern Feminism in the 21st century.
Kanazawa stresses his point by pointing that Feminism is illogical because men and women are inherently, fundamentally, and irreconcilably, different. I conquer with the fact that women are definitely not the same as men. It is an obvious physical fact. However, feminism did not evolve because women wanted to be like men. It evolved from the abuse women had to go through simply for being a woman.

Kanazawa goes on to say, feminism is unnecessary because women are superior in the area of longevity with a reproductive success. He compares the nature of mammals to be equivalent to humans, where females always have more power than males. He proves this by saying in the human society, men control a large part of all money, politics, and prestige, while women control men. He states, ”…any reasonable attractive young women exercises as much power over men as the male ruler of the world does over women.” I see where woman may have the advantage of longevity and even how women use sex appeal to get what they want. What is absurd is how he views feminism unnecessary. In order for feminism to be worthless the treatment of women should be civil all over the world, but that is not the case. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where women are under the rule of men with “…money, politics, and prestige” fall victim to a man’s rule of women with no rights and a law that restricts them from showing their face. How attractive a woman is, holds no balance to the hardships women have to endure in this century or previous ones.

In his last argument, Kanazawa claims feminism is evil. He believes feminism ultimately make men and women unhappy. He directs his proof through women’s income increase over the last thirty-five years. He says money does not make women happy. Than he says divorce and single motherhood are also a contribution to women becoming unhappy. Finally, he contradicts himself by stating, “Men’s happiness has not declined in thirty- five years.” First, evil, in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defines as morally bad. I fail to see the connection between “morally bad” and “unhappy.” The contradiction of men being unhappy then studied to have no decline in happiness is not worth a rebuttal.

Had Kanazawa stuck to one of the three reasons he believes feminism is bad, then perhaps he would have held a more convincing argument. This article was more of a tangent than informative.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Audio/Visual Assignment

I chose three different images for my audio/video assignment.

I chose this one because it was creepy me. It felt like they were advertising for the entertainment of children. I say this because there is no adult in the picture and she is playing with the gun.

 I chose this image to show the change in culture. This was advertised when children were allowed to drink. The idea of telling kids if they drink they will fit in. It was the complete opposite of what it is today. Today's culture sets a better standard of individual thinking, teaching children to make more logical and safer decisions. Its hard to think a child would be responsible enough to control the amount of alcohol they consume, especially if adults have a hard time themselves. 

I liked this quote because I think it can be interpreted several ways. I thought about this and I think it's more along the lines of be careful what you wish for. If we want a government that will take care of everything and leave us with no stress than wouldn't it have the power to take it all away and leaving us helpless. It's better to have a modest government that helps in cases of balancing justice where the people are responsible for their own livelihood and the government would be like a school principal. Creating a place to learn and strive safely.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Terra Palmer                                                                                     

Professional Profile
I am a self-driven professional who is experienced with more than 14 years of sales success. My greatest strength is the ability to see and act on opportunities of growth.
  •   Ability to "Read" Customers
  •  Tenacity
  •  Clear Communication Skills
  •  Ability to Use "Positive Language"

Professional Accomplishments
  • Quarterly achieved Gold Status which was 30% above the mandatory sales quota 
  •    Increased my stores credit card applications by 3% in the first month of hire
  •  Trained district stores to increase credit card applications
  •    Known for the ability to build relationships and educate customers, resulting in customer satisfaction, retention, and increase sales

Customer Service
  • Provided friendly advice to a diverse clientele, promoting Wells Fargo and Toys “ R” Us  costumer-orientated image.
  •  Became the lead "go-to" person for new   reps and particularly challenging calls as one of the company’s primary mentors/trainers of both new and established employees.
  •  Managed a high-volume workload within a deadline-driven environment. Resolved an average of 550 inquiries in any given week and consistently met performance benchmarks in all areas (speed, accuracy, volume).

  • Supervised 50 out of season to 150 employees in season. 
  •  Primarily responsible for driving daily operational excellence, ensuring compliance requirements are met, managing the losses and coaching staff associates to high performance levels. Coach and train the team to process transactions accurately, efficiently, and in accordance with established policies and procedures. Provide input to sister stores on staff recruiting and performance.
  •   Responsible for maintaining and exceeding stores daily sales quota
  •  Maintained a high level of teamwork and moral through group goals and associates value to the company.

Work History
SubstituteLake Dallas ISDLake Dallas, TX

Lead PackerSub-ContractorDallas, TX

Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children, CASA of Denton CountyDenton, TX

Front-end Department ManagerToys “R” UsLewisville, TX

Lead Teller, Wells Fargo, Denton, TX

North Central Community College
Corinth, TX

[References are available upon request.]

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Slides I Created from Grammar Guide

An Important Skill for College

People Skills is Essential to College Survival
 There is no one hundred percent, guaranteed-to-work survival guide to college but there are several skill to help a new college student make it through college unscratched. One key skill is people skills. What do people skills include? People skills include effective communication, efficient collaboration with other human beings and acceptance of fellow school mates. Not only are people skills essential to college, but they are essential in everyday life.

                Communication is not just a way of talking someone’s ears off. It is the process of sending and receiving messages. It involves active listening and respectful body motion when interacting with others. Making frequent eye contact with the person talking, listening to what is being said, clarifying what is being said by asking questions, repeating details here and there, and eliminating as many distractions as possible are a huge part of communication. Another form of communication is non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is also known as body language. Posture, tone of voice, and facial expressions are significant to body language. The student must always be sure that his or her verbal language and body language are on the same page, otherwise confusion will soon arise. Communication is the basis of people skills.

                At some point in life, the student will collaborate with another person whether it is a business deal, a project, or an activity that includes more than one person. In college, there will be times that the student is required to work with a partner or in a group. Working with others to achieve a common goal, and implementing more than one individual’s ideas is collaboration.  To collaborate efficiently, the student will have to communicate heavily with his or her partner(s). The student must ask questions if something is not completely understood, learn to compromise, speak his or her mind, split the work fairly, and always hold his or her end of the deal. Efficient collaboration will not only help the student reach his or her goals faster, but it will also encourage people to want to work with the student in order to achieve other unified goals inside and outside of college.

                Eliminating prejudice carves a path towards accepting others as they are. Once the student eliminates prejudice, he or she opens the door to what others have to say and offer. In college, the student will meet humans of difference sexual orientations, or opposing political views, nonreligious and other religious beliefs, various backgrounds, lifestyles, ethnicities, and some with disabilities. The word “People” in “People Skills” refers to interaction among these unique beings. When the student is assigned to a partner or group, he or she will eventually have to communicate and collaborate with someone who may be his or her exact opposite. Once the student gets past the Russian accent, or the fact that his or her partner has a unibrow, he or she will have succeeded in a key element of strengthening his or her people skills. Success is achieved when the student comes to realize that not everyone is like him or her; not everyone can meet his or her criteria whether that criteria is hygiene or finances; and, there are reasons behind a person’s actions, lifestyle, and clothing. Acceptance is not a part of “Asian Skills” or “Polysexual skills”. Acceptance is a part of “People Skills”. “People Skills” include everyone!

                A student will use people skills in college, outside of college, in his or her career, in public at the grocery store, and even with his or her family. Key elements of people skills are communication skills, collaboration skills and acceptance skills. These skills are vital because without them, unnecessary academic stress will build, confusion will drive a student up the wall, and unpleasant tension will destroy a peaceful atmosphere. If a student needs advice on communicating, collaborating, or with acceptance then the student should check out online student forums, a speech professor, or even a counselor. People skills are a skill that could always use improvement and will definitely aid the student’s college survival.

3 Questions for Saranita

 Three Truths and a Lie

  1. What is your favorite movie?
    •  Princess and the Frog
     2. What is your favorite hobby?
    • Writing and Volunteering 
     3.Why did you decide to go to college?
    • Because I wanted to become a teacher.

The lie was number three. She changed her mind to become a nurse, I think.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


My Life to the Fullest
My name is Terra Ann Palmer. I am twenty-nine years old and am a freshman student at North Central Community College. I am the first child in my family to go to college. My grandmother earned her GED when she found out that I had completed mine. My youngest brothers stayed in school and graduated, because of the example I set. My greatest strength is my positive attitude. My most significant accomplishment was keeping two children from being permanently placed in foster care. Through my volunteer work, I was able to advocate for the reunification of the children with their parents.
I was born in Los Angeles County, in the state of California. My parents were products of the eighties era. My dad had a mullet and my mom had puffed up, permed hair, usually styled in a side ponytail held by a big hair scrunchy. They both were not even legal to drink when they decided to have a baby. The relationship did not last long, and my mother brought me to Texas. My childhood was not the best, but at least I had the sweet memories of building tree houses in the woods. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents, fishing and traveling from Dallas to San Antonio. As a teenager, I dropped out of high school in ninth grade, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I started working five days a week to support the house hold. My mom eventually moved to California, and I was on my own. I now have two children and was married for six years of, before I divorced. In the last two years, my life has dramatically changed for the better.
  Two years ago, I took a volunteer job as a child advocate. I advocate for abused children that had been taken away from their family by the state.  My job is to make sure the child or children stay safe at all times. I monitor the family’s weekly visits and keep up with their progress, in order to promote a safe and healthy unification. I spent a year investigating the well-being of the family’s case. This job played a big part in my motivation to becoming a better human being.  I started to become fascinated with people and began taking an interest in traveling. I wanted to see how other people lived.  
During the summer, I was employed as a packer. I packed everything from huge pristine houses to cute little homes of elderly couples. I love moving people. Right off the bat, customers are nervous about their valuables being taken apart and handled improperly. However, once I introduce myself and talk as proper as I act, the customers tend to relax more and I make them feel comfortable with the quality of service they are receiving. Staying in shape is another benefit to this job, there are days I work fifteen hours, of tough and sweaty manual labor, but boy do I enjoy fitting into my size two dress. I like feeling like I have earned my pretty things.
During the school year, I try to stay focused on getting my associates degree in nursing. I would like to nurse at a retirement home where I think my smile would benefit most. My plan is after I finish school and begin to work I will take one class at a time, in order to further my degree. It is a dream of mine to live in the country with at least a hundred acres and be able to pay for a mortgage in the city as well. I am hoping with a combined income that may not be too farfetched.
Turning twenty-seven had a significant impact on me. I directed my positive attitude towards accomplishing goals to lead a more self-sufficient meaningful life.  I started volunteering and I enrolled in college. I also lost weight and did quite a bit of traveling. In the past three years I have sky dived, rock climbed next to a volcano, river rafted in Washington, surfed in California, and snow boarded in Oregon. I took my two boys on an exciting adventure this last summer. I took them to California for two weeks. We went camping in San Diego, visited four beaches, swam in two, visited Disneyland twice and took a stroll down Hollywood Boulevard. I am sure they learned a lot and saw the most interesting people at Venice Beach!
As for my children and my future goals for them, well, I can only hope I set a good enough example of self-sufficiency. I love my life. I would like to think my family is proud of the way I care for my children as well as the goals I am working on. I work hard to feel satisfied. I have come to realize that life is what I make of it, and I enjoy making it great!