Tuesday, March 18, 2014

An Important Skill for College

People Skills is Essential to College Survival
 There is no one hundred percent, guaranteed-to-work survival guide to college but there are several skill to help a new college student make it through college unscratched. One key skill is people skills. What do people skills include? People skills include effective communication, efficient collaboration with other human beings and acceptance of fellow school mates. Not only are people skills essential to college, but they are essential in everyday life.

                Communication is not just a way of talking someone’s ears off. It is the process of sending and receiving messages. It involves active listening and respectful body motion when interacting with others. Making frequent eye contact with the person talking, listening to what is being said, clarifying what is being said by asking questions, repeating details here and there, and eliminating as many distractions as possible are a huge part of communication. Another form of communication is non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is also known as body language. Posture, tone of voice, and facial expressions are significant to body language. The student must always be sure that his or her verbal language and body language are on the same page, otherwise confusion will soon arise. Communication is the basis of people skills.

                At some point in life, the student will collaborate with another person whether it is a business deal, a project, or an activity that includes more than one person. In college, there will be times that the student is required to work with a partner or in a group. Working with others to achieve a common goal, and implementing more than one individual’s ideas is collaboration.  To collaborate efficiently, the student will have to communicate heavily with his or her partner(s). The student must ask questions if something is not completely understood, learn to compromise, speak his or her mind, split the work fairly, and always hold his or her end of the deal. Efficient collaboration will not only help the student reach his or her goals faster, but it will also encourage people to want to work with the student in order to achieve other unified goals inside and outside of college.

                Eliminating prejudice carves a path towards accepting others as they are. Once the student eliminates prejudice, he or she opens the door to what others have to say and offer. In college, the student will meet humans of difference sexual orientations, or opposing political views, nonreligious and other religious beliefs, various backgrounds, lifestyles, ethnicities, and some with disabilities. The word “People” in “People Skills” refers to interaction among these unique beings. When the student is assigned to a partner or group, he or she will eventually have to communicate and collaborate with someone who may be his or her exact opposite. Once the student gets past the Russian accent, or the fact that his or her partner has a unibrow, he or she will have succeeded in a key element of strengthening his or her people skills. Success is achieved when the student comes to realize that not everyone is like him or her; not everyone can meet his or her criteria whether that criteria is hygiene or finances; and, there are reasons behind a person’s actions, lifestyle, and clothing. Acceptance is not a part of “Asian Skills” or “Polysexual skills”. Acceptance is a part of “People Skills”. “People Skills” include everyone!

                A student will use people skills in college, outside of college, in his or her career, in public at the grocery store, and even with his or her family. Key elements of people skills are communication skills, collaboration skills and acceptance skills. These skills are vital because without them, unnecessary academic stress will build, confusion will drive a student up the wall, and unpleasant tension will destroy a peaceful atmosphere. If a student needs advice on communicating, collaborating, or with acceptance then the student should check out online student forums, a speech professor, or even a counselor. People skills are a skill that could always use improvement and will definitely aid the student’s college survival.

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