Monday, March 3, 2014

My Personality Test

On the personality test there are four categories; helper, organizer, thinker, and catalyst. I scored highest as a thinker then an organizer, and tied with helper and catalyst. It makes sense that my strong suit would be thinker as I am often a problem solver. I was surprised to see organizer as my second strength due to my inability to remember anything. As far as being a helper and catalyst, well my glass is always half full; I do what I need to in order to always feel happy.
First off, I liked taking this test. It is intriguing to have a better insight on who I am or rather, how I think. Thus, I am a thinker. I like the whole idea of learning new things, whether it is about me or just something I have to do. Discovering new insights are adventures to me. Solving a thought or a problem would be like finding my gold. When I look at something new, I start by accepting my ignorance. This assures that arrogance will not get in the way of seeing the whole picture. I use the basics of human nature or mother nature, which ever suits, to analyze what I am dealing with. I love indulging in my intuition to fit the patterns together, like pieces to a puzzle.
 I try not to focus too much on the technicality of a problem so I can feel how it flows with its atmosphere, how it connects with the rest of the world, or at least with my world. For instance, I would like to improve my grammar. One on the biggest problems I have is paying attention to detail, like proof reading. I know this because I can see it in my math as well. Several times I get a problem wrong over a simple mistake. Had I paid attention to detail, I would have answered correctly. Although math and English are two different subjects, they still intertwine. Without noticing the flow, I would be stuck on the technicality of the problem as opposed to its pattern. Therefore, I would say my passion evolves around thinking.
Scoring second in organization was a shocker, I thought for sure it would rank last with me. I forget everything and I hate monotony. The reason I hate it is because I cannot master it. I do feel a lack of order. I appreciate what organization offers and I will say that I do enjoy being prepared. I looked at my class binders today and I was impressed to see how organized it was. At least I know my bad habit of forgetting things and do my best to work around it. Stability is also a trait I admire. I think stability goes hand in hand with organization.
It was interesting to see that I scored the same number for a helper as well as a catalyst. I do love to volunteer my labor and I am very pro for the welfare and happiness of others. However, I am not a push over. I can follow just as quick as I can lead. I will compromise on the behalf of the greater good not on the greater self, regardless if it is to my benefit. I do not mind standing alone against an angry mob who are hyped up about the latest emotional trend. I do not fear doing what is right. I do not fear thinking what is right. My strength gives me the ability to set a good example. That being said, I do not go looking for a fight. I only engage when I am forced to. I think my life style says more about me than my confrontations. I like a calm environment.
Completing this helped me understand myself a little better. It was nice to see that living in my head all day has its benefits to problem solving. Finding out that organization is my second strength is motivating. I will try to challenge myself by taking on a few more responsibilities as it would benefit me to be more reliable as far as time is concerned. Ranking the same as a helper as well as catalyst tells me I can do more for people through volunteer work since that is where strength in optimism and justice is needed the most.

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